馃尲诇讛砖讻专讛 馃尲 讘驻专讜讬讬拽讟 驻讬转讜讞 注诇 讛讬诐 讗讘讗 讗讘谉 27 讚讬专转 4 讞讚专讬诐 130 诪讟专 拽讜诪讛 3 讚专讜诪讬转 诪讻砖讬专讬 讞砖诪诇 2 讞谞讬讜转 讜诪讞住谉
Mini penthouse apartment for rent in Herzliya Pituach. Villa Mare building. 4 rooms + balcony approx. 180 m+110 m Balconies with sea view Asking price: 30,000 NIS Maintenance fees: 3,000 NIS In the project: swimming pool, gym, spa, 2 parking lots and 24/7 security
Apartment for rent in the "Pituach by the sea" project in Herzliya Pituach 4 rooms + balcony approx. 120 sqm + 14 sqm balcony Asking price: 25,000 NIS Maintenance fee: 2,400 NIS Furnished, sea view in the building: swimming pool, gym, parking, storage and 24/7 security
Penthouse for rent in Herzliya Pituach in Ocean Hotel 4 rooms + balcony with sea view about 160 m2 + 50 m2 balcony Asking price: 40,000 NIS Maintenance fees: 5,600 NIS In the building: swimming pool, gym and 24/7 security