Real estate news on the coast Marina Herzliya, Herzliya Pituach, North Tel Aviv

Come tour the new Herzog Promenade! Herzliya is proud of a beautiful and welcoming promenade, "Herzog Promenade", named after the former president of the country and the beloved of the city. The new promenade offers you:

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Namos Restaurant, a modern Japanese restaurant specializing in high-quality sushi, fresh fish, seafood and salads, is located on 1 Hadzad St. in Herzliya Marina Pituach. The restaurant offers guests a unique experience that combines local flavors with the latest trends in the world of Japanese cuisine. In the restaurant you can find a wide variety of delicious and impressive dishes, adapted to different tastes and the various dietary requirements of the customers.

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A perfect culinary experience at the "Herbert Samuel" restaurant The magical Herzliya Marina and the Mediterranean Sea reflect the "Herbert Samuel" restaurant in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Herzliya. The spectacular restaurant occupies a place of honor in the corner of the lobby, and offers you the opportunity to experience an extraordinary culinary experience.

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Yam 7 Restaurant Herzliya: a Mediterranean culinary experience with a breathtaking view Yam 7 is an old and leading Mediterranean restaurant in Herzliya, located on the seafront of Herzliya, on the Dan Acadia promenade. The restaurant offers an elegant atmosphere of freedom and a breathtaking view of the sea.

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